23 Alexa Commands for Kindle Books

“Play the Kindle book {title}”. Example: “Play the Kindle book The Atlantis Gene

“Alexa, open my Kindle books”

“Alexa, show me my Kindle books”

“Alexa, read my Kindle book”

“Alexa, read my book {title}”. Example: “Alexa, read my book True Fiction

“Alexa, read {title}”. Example: “Alexa, read Harry Potter

“Alexa, pause”

“Alexa, stop”

“Alexa, resume”

“Alexa, skip”

“Alexa, go further”

“Alexa, skip ahead”

“Alexa, skip back”

“Alexa, volume {1-10}”

“Alexa, go forward {seconds/minutes}”. Example: “Alexa, go forward 30 seconds

“Alexa, go back {seconds/minutes}”. Example: “Alexa, go back 5 minutes

“Alexa, next chapter”

“Alexa, previous chapter”

“Alexa, stop reading in {number} minutes”. Example: “Alexa, stop reading in 50 minutes”

“Alexa, read slower”

“Alexa, read faster”

“Alexa, read at normal speed”

“Alexa, set a sleep timer”