13 Alexa Commands for June Oven

“Alexa, tell June to preheat”

“Alexa, tell June to start cooking”

“Alexa, tell June to stop cooking”

“Alexa, tell June to cancel cooking”

“Alexa, ask June how long until it’s done”

“Alexa, ask June when will the food be done?”

“Alexa, ask June for an E.T.A.”

“Alexa, ask June what my internal temperature is?”

“Alexa, tell June to preheat to {temperature}”. Example: “Alexa, tell June to preheat to 350 degrees

“Alexa, tell June to roast at {temperature}”. Example: “Alexa, tell June to roast at 450

“Alexa, tell June to roast at {temperature} for {times}”. Example: “Alexa, tell June to roast at 450 for 20 minutes

“Alexa, tell June to set a timer for {times}”. Example: “Alexa, tell June to set a timer for 20 minutes

“Alexa, tell June to bake for {times} at {temperature}”. Example: “Alexa, tell June to bake for 10 minutes at 325 degrees