24 Alexa Commands for ISY Smart Home V3

These commands only can use in US and Canada.


24 Alexa Commands for ISY Smart Home V3

“Alexa, turn on the {room} light”. Example: “Alexa, turn on the kitchen light”

“Alexa, turn off the {room} light”. Example: “Alexa, turn off the kitchen light”

“Alexa, brighten the {room} light”. Example: “Alexa, brighten the kitchen light”

“Alexa, dim the {room} light”. Example: “Alexa, dim the kitchen light”

“Alexa, set the {room} light to {percentage}”. Example: “Alexa, set the kitchen light to 50%

“Alexa, set {room} to {color}”. Example: “Alexa, set kitchen to green

“Alexa, set {room} to {color}”. Example: “Alexa, set kitchen to warm white


“Alexa, set {thermostat name} to {temperature}”. Example: “Alexa, set kitchen to 75 degrees

“Alexa, increase the {thermostat name} temperature”. Example: “Alexa, increase the kitchen temperature”

“Alexa, decrease the {thermostat name} temperature”. Example: “Alexa, decrease the kitchen temperature”

“Alexa, turn on {thermostat name}”. Example: “Alexa, turn on kitchen

“Alexa, turn off {thermostat name}”. Example: “Alexa, turn off kitchen

“Alexa, what is the temperature of kitchen thermostat?”

“Alexa, what is the kitchen thermostat set to?”


“Alexa, is front door locked?”

“Alexa, is front door unlocked?”

“Alexa, lock the front door”

State Variable

“Alexa, turn on X”

“Alexa, turn off X”

“Alexa, turn on X to Y percent”

“Alexa, brighten X”

“Alexa, brighten X by Y percent”

“Alexa, dim X”

“Alexa, dim by Y percent”