20 Alexa Commands for iHeartRadio

“Alexa, play {station name} on iHeartRadio”

“Alexa, play {station frequency} on iHeartRadio”

“Alexa, play the station {station call sign} on iHeartRadio”

“Alexa, play the podcast {title} on iHeartRadio”

“Alexa, play {podcast name} podcast on iHeartRadio”

“Alexa, play {artist name} radio on iHeartRadio”

“Alexa, make a station for {artist} on iHeartRadio”

“Alexa, create an iHeartRadio station based on {artist}”

“Alexa, volume up on iHeartRadio”

“Alexa, volume down on iHeartRadio”

“Alexa, set volume to level {number} on iHeartRadio”. Example: “Alexa, set volume to level 70 on iHeartRadio”

“Alexa, stop on iHeartRadio”

“Alexa, pause on iHeartRadio”

“Alexa, play on iHeartRadio”

“Alexa, resume on iHeartRadio”

“Alexa, skip”

For the song currently playing

“Alexa, what is this?”

“Alexa, who is this?”

“Alexa, what song is this?”

“Alexa, who is this artist?”