15 Alexa Commands for Expedia

“Alexa, open Expedia”

“Alexa, close Expedia”

“Alexa, ask Expedia to get my trip details”

“Alexa, ask Expedia for help”

“Alexa, ask Expedia where I am staying”

“Alexa, ask Expedia what are the details of my hotel”

“Alexa, ask Expedia when do I check in”

“Alexa, ask Expedia if my flight is on time”

“Alexa, ask Expedia when I am landing”

“Alexa, ask Expedia to book a car reservation”

“Alexa, ask Expedia to check how many loyalty points I have”

“Alexa, ask Expedia what I should pack”

“Alexa, ask Expedia to tell me about popular attractions in New York”

“Alexa, ask Expedia where can I fly to from Seattle under 300 dollar”

“Alexa, ask Expedia is San Francisco good for museums”