13 Alexa Commands for DEEZER

“Alexa, play my Flow on Deezer”

“Alexa, what’s playing?”

“Alexa, resume music”

“Alexa, next song”

“Alexa, I like this song”

“Alexa, I dislike this song”

“Alexa, stop the music”

“Alexa, set volume to {number}”. Example: “Alexa, set volume to 5

“Alexa, play {song/album name} by {artist} on Deezer”. Example: “Alexa, play Save Me by BTS on Deezer”

“Alexa, play {artist} on Deezer”. Example: “Alexa, play BTS on Deezer”

“Alexa, play {playlist name} on Deezer”. Example: “Alexa, play Goodnight on Deezer”

“Alexa, play {genre} music on Deezer”. Example: “Alexa, play Rock music on Deezer”

“Alexa, play some {genre} on Deezer”. Example: “Alexa, play some Rock on Deezer”