Alexa Bible Voice Commands: Your Ultimate Guide

Welcome to Alexa Bible Voice Commands: Your Ultimate Guide! If you’re a fan of Alexa, then you’ll love exploring the many voice commands that allow you to interact with the Bible in new and exciting ways. Below, we’ve compiled a list of 33-150 voice command examples that can help you get started. From finding specific verses to playing audio recordings, these commands will revolutionize the way you engage with the Bible using just your voice. So without further ado, let’s dive in and discover the power of Alexa Bible Voice Commands!

#1 Finding Specific Verses

“Alexa, find John 3:16”
“Alexa, search for the verse that mentions love”
“Alexa, find the Bible passage that talks about forgiveness”
“Alexa, look up the book of Ruth”
“Alexa, find the first book of the New Testament”

#2 Listening with Audio Commands

“Alexa, play today’s devotional”
“Alexa, read the Bible to me”
“Alexa, listen to the book of Psalms”
“Alexa, play a sermon on forgiveness”
“Alexa, read the daily verse”

#3 General Bible Questions

“Alexa, what does the Bible say about forgiveness?”
“Alexa, how many books are in the Bible?”
“Alexa, when was the New Testament written?”
“Alexa, who wrote the book of Matthew?”
“Alexa, what does the Bible say about love?”

#4 Daily Inspirations

“Alexa, give me a Bible verse of the day”
“Alexa, give me a daily inspiration”
“Alexa, tell me something encouraging from the Bible”
“Alexa, what’s a good verse to start my day?”
“Alexa, give me a Bible quote to inspire me”

#5 Bible Study Tools

“Alexa, what is the definition of grace?”
“Alexa, what is a concordance?”
“Alexa, what does the word ‘redemption’ mean?”
“Alexa, what is the definition of salvation?”
“Alexa, what is the meaning of the word ‘testament’?”