64 Gotham Adventures: LEGO Batman’s Siri Voice Command Examples

Are you ready to take your LEGO Batman adventures to the next level with Siri voice commands? Below are some examples of voice commands you can use in 64 Gotham Adventures: LEGO Batman. Simply say the command and watch as LEGO Batman follows your every directive!

#1 Movement Commands

“Move forward”
“Move left”
“Move right”
“Double jump”

#2 Combat Commands

“Use Batarang”
“Activate special move”
“Charge attack”

#3 Interaction Commands

“Open door”
“Talk to NPC”
“Pick up item”
“Drop item”
“Interact with object”
“Use grappling hook”
“Enter vehicle”

#4 Puzzle-solving Commands

“Rotate lever”
“Push block”
“Solve puzzle”
“Activate switch”
“Unlock door”
“Find hidden passage”
“Decode riddle”

#5 Navigation Commands

“Set waypoint”
“Follow GPS”
“Find secret area”
“Fly to next mission”
“Teleport to base”
“Discover new location”
“Travel to Gotham City”

#6 Fun Commands

“Tell joke”
“Sing a song”
“Take a selfie”
“Change costume”
“Race against the clock”
“Explore Batcave”