63 Voice Command Examples for Controlling Fire TV with Alexa

Below are some voice command examples that you can use to control your Fire TV with Alexa. Whether you want to search for movies, launch apps, or pause a video, Alexa can help you navigate your Fire TV with ease.

#1 Basic Navigation

“Go home”
“Open [app name]”
“Scroll down”

#2 Media Control

“Turn on subtitles”

#3 Search and Discovery

“Find movies with Tom Hanks”
“Show me action movies”
“Search for The Office”

#4 Settings and Preferences

“Set the volume to 50%”
“Change the display settings”
“Enable parental controls”

#5 Alexa Integration

“Ask Alexa for movie recommendations”
“Tell me a joke”
“Show me the weather forecast”

#6 Sports and Live TV

“Watch ESPN”
“Show me the latest sports scores”
“Record this program”

#7 Music Control

“Play my workout playlist”
“Shuffle my music library”
“Turn up the volume for music”